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Main: AlexisJComingOutLetter

Dear Mom and Dad

I am writing this letter to tell you about something very important that affects my entire life, and likewise yours. I'm writing a letter, because this situation is very hard and scary to talk about and I am afraid I wouldn't be able to get everything said otherwise. As you read this letter, please keep an open mind and don't jump to any conclusions.

This is a "problem" that has been with me as long as I can remember. I tried to deal with it in high school, I tried to suppress it for the last five years, and recently I have finally fully accepted it. I tell you this so that you know I am not rushing into something here- this realization, and the decision to stick with it, has been the result of many, many years of pain and introspection.

I am a girl. A woman. My mind, and soul if you will, are female. It is a significant and healthy part of my identity, and I merely want to be accepted for what I am. The medical term for this is Gender Identity Disorder, or Transsexuallism. It is a well-documented disorder, and although the causes are not fully understood, the disorder and its treatment are. I am currently undergoing therapy, and slowly beginning what is known as "transition". At some point in my future, my body will match my mind and soul, and I will have become the woman I am.

I should point out that this is not a "choice"- I am not choosing to be female, any more than anyone else does. I am simply accepting who I really am, and changing my outside and my lifestyle to match up. Although a lot is unknown about my disorder, one thing that is almost universally accepted and proven is that the only healthy treatment is transition. A good place to start reading about this would be; I have also ordered a book titled "True Selves" that you can and should read.

An important part of transition is going to be acceptance. Many other people already accept me; although I understand and expect you to be cautious and questioning about this, I know that you too can come to accept it. I am hoping that, given enough time and some open hearts and minds, this can happen.

Love Your daughter Alexis

Submitted by Alexis J (7/21/2004)

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