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The below were sent to various peoples families, extended families, friends, and coworkers. Names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons. Our hope is that these letters provide the reader with an idea of how a coming out letter might look like.

!!Letters to extended family

These letters were sent to people outside ones immediate family, their extended family.

!!!Lisa's letter
I wrote the below letter and e-mailed it to my entire extended family. It got both positive supportive responsive as well as a few unavoidable negative ones. If I could have gone back in time and send this again, I'd most likely leave it the same.


Hello everyone,

I would like to make an announcement, some of you may already know... So here goes:

My entire life I've known that there is something about me but it took me a great deal of soul searching to get to the bottom if it.  Ever since I can remember I have felt female.  The proper term for it is transgendered it an intersexed medical condition.  I have come to the conclusion that although I cannot change my brain (and oh have I tried to change it), I can change my body. The only way I can move forward in my life is to transition so that the outside of my body matches the inside.

I will be changing my name from XXXXXXXXXX -> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, and I will request that you use this new name along with the proper pronouns.

Here is the latest picture of me at XXXXXXXX, it can be found here:

So ya, its been a rocky road... But I made it though.  I very happy to finally be able to share this with everyone and I cannot put into words how good it feels to finally be myself.

Thanks for your understanding & much love,

PS: I sent this to as many family members as I could find, please let me know if I missed anyone so I can send this to them as well.


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Page last modified on May 28, 2015, at 04:01 AM