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Main: CommunityMeetingsBylaws



ARTICLE II: Running a Meeting

1. The Community Meetings are to be run at least once every thirty (30) days

2. Community Meetings shall abide by the following procedure:

a. OPENING RITUAL - Use the current opening ritual documented here: CommunityMeetingsOpeningRitual?
b. ACQUIRE VOLUNTEER NOTE TAKER - If none, notes can be taken later by a member of the Agenda Committee
c. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Read the announcements compiled by the Agenda Committee
d. UPDATES/PROGRESS - Allow committee or those with an active proposal to give updates. No more than five (5) minutes per group.
e. AGENDA - The agenda shall be followed one topic at a time
f. PICK NEXT FACILITATOR - Facilitators shall be chosen at the end of each meeting
g. CLOSING RITUAL - Thank each-other for coming. Do not ping the facilitator, but ping everyone else!

ARTICLE III: Requirements for Facilitating a Meeting

1. To facilitate a Community Meeting a Community Member must:

a. Must attend at last three (3) CommunityMeetings in a five (5) month period of time
b. Must volunteer at least five (5) hours to the community every two (2) months

ARTICLE IV. Requirements for Blocking

1. Blocking must by accompanied by a specific Value from ARTICLE I.

1. To engage in blocking Community Members must

a. Must attend at last three (3) CommunityMeetings in a five (5) month period of time
b. Must volunteer at least five (5) hours to the community every two (2) months

ARTICLE IV. Blocking by Proxy

1. In situations where one cannot attend a meeting due to timezone restrictions a Blocking Proxy may be selected by the Community Member

2. The Proxy may block on behalf of the Community Member who selected them

3. Blocks by proxy will be resolved by creating a time to talk to the original blocking member

ARTICLE V. Proposals

1. Proposals shall be made using the Proposal Template

ARTICLE VII. Code of Conduct

1. This group shall adopt the Code of Conduct from the Trans Advice AUP:

ARTICLE IV. Conflict Resolution


Metadata -- keep at end of page Summary:Bylaws for Community Meetings Tags: CommunityMeetings

Categories: Template

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Page last modified on October 10, 2023, at 04:00 AM