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Main: MuriellesComingOutLetter

   From: Nick LastName? []
   Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 2:59 PM
   To: company
   Subject: Bill LastName?'s transition

Hello Team -

I'm writing this note to tell you about an important personal transition that one of our employees is going through. As you know, Bill LastName? is one of the earliest employees of the company, playing a key roll in our support organization since before we even launched the first production release of the company service. Several months ago Bill informed our exec staff and his management that he was planning to undergo a significant lifestyle change, and asked for our support. Bill explained that he was a transsexual, and wanted to know if he could complete his gender transition without negatively impacting his job here at company. Of course the answer was yes: not only do we value Bill's contributions to the company and consider him a member of the company family, but we also are committed to being an equal-opportunity employer, one which does not discriminate based upon religion, race, gender, or other factors.

Bill is close to completing this transition, which is why he is working from home this week. On Monday he will be returning to work, but in a new persona. So I would like to introduce you to Jennifer Dianne LastName?, who will be simultaneously one of our newest and oldest employees! Attached is a note from Dianne (as she would prefer to be addressed), explaining this transition in more detail. I personally honor and respect Dianne's decision to be open with us all about her decision, and encourage you take her up on her offer to answer any questions you might have. I also ask you to abide by Dianne's wishes regarding forms of address, which we will also support in the email, phone, mail, and other employee lists. Otherwise, I'm sure you will all continue to work with Dianne on a "business as usual" basis.

Please don't hesitate to speak with Dianne, myself, or Scarlet if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is a very personal and private matter for Dianne, and I ask and expect you to respect that fact and not discuss this outside the company.

thanks, Nick

Hi there!

This letter is to tell you all what a wonderful company I think company is and to tell you about an upcoming change.

The reason I work at company is the diversity of people here, not only because of its racial and ethnic diversity, but because this company has always been very life-style accepting. I value that diversity, and it is one of the main reasons I still work here.

Last year, after attending therapy for a while, I disclosed to the company founders and to my boss at the time, Kevin LastName?, that I am a transsexual. They both assured me at the time that 1) I was a valued employee, 2) My transsexualism would in no way affect my employability or promotability here, and 3) What could they do to help my transition be as smooth as possible. That was very encouraging to me and helped me get through a very difficult time in my life.

A transsexual is one born with an internal self-image that is opposite their birth sex. This affects every single part of their lives, relationships, etc. Since it is believed this occurs due to some hormonal interruption in the first trimester combined with very early environmental factors, the feelings are there whether or not the transsexual wants them to be there. At some point in their life, this internal conflict becomes so much that it becomes debilitating and interferes with the productivity and success that person has...and at that point, the options are quite few. Life literally becomes a living death for that person, and many commit suicide as a result.

Since transsexualism has never been 'cured' or prevented in any known case, the choice becomes simple - live a lie or don't. Since it is impossible for me to change my self-identity to match my body, I have chosen instead to make my body match my self-identity. This process has been going on for a bit over a year now. I have been aware I have been gender-different all of my life. All of it. It has never been a sexual thing, and I wouldn't wish the pain this causes on anyone. This is not something someone just wakes up one morning and decides to do.

Starting June 26th, I will be coming into work as Jennifer Dianne LastName?, or just simply "Dianne". I am very aware that people may have issues with this. You are always welcome to ask questions of me and I will try my best to answer them. My philosophy is this: I'm here to perform a job, and so I will be concentrating on doing my work more than anything else. Please use feminine pronouns when speaking to me or about me. I am a person, not an 'it'. I am a good, fun-loving person, and I don't normally wear a lot of makeup, if any, so you aren't going to see a flaming drag-queen coming to work. Just a woman. Which is all I am anyway.

As far as the restrooms are concerned, the Exec Staff and I have come up with the following plan: Since there is no California law restricting gender use of the restrooms, I don't want to make people uncomfortable, and so, for the time being, I shall restrict my use to the upstairs women's restroom, since the downstairs is more publicly accessible. That way, those people who feel uncomfortable can use a different restroom.

Again, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please address them to me and I will try to be as candid as possible. I do have a personal website, and if you are interested, please ask. I know everyone has a process to go through and it's not just me.

Thanks Team! Dianne LastName?

Submitted by Murielle (9/8/2004)

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