From TransAdvice Wiki

Main: NaomisDoctorStory1

Submitted by Naomi (11/9/2004)

This was with an MD... a gastrointerologist (or whatever) to be specific, just yesterday:
Me: 	"so doc, I'm transsexual"
Him: 	"kay!"
Me: 	"you know what tdat is?"
Him: 	"yes, I do"
Me: 	"alright"
Me: 	"I take estrofem, which gives Me estrogen and androcur takes away my testosterone"
Him: 	"okay. So, when was your last period?"
Me: 	"uh..."
I stared at Him for a long tiMe. 

Note: This page was archived and merged from

Metadata -- keep at end of page Summary: "so doc, I'm transsexual"


Categories: Humor TSSupport

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