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Main: PennysPoems2

Submitted by Penny Raihne (9/2/2004)

"A Poem"

I sit here thinking softly, coaxing visions of your face
I imagine how it feels to be touched upon your grace
Just to see you walking past me garauntees my heart to race
Such a jewel you are as I have never seen
I would pay the highest price to spend one minute in your arms
I would pray to every god for but a sample of your charms
When I am in your presence I feel my skin get warm
You are every place my mind has ever been
And I sit here writing words that your sweet visage inspires
A taste of your sweet lips could ignite a thousand fire
If they tell me you're a goddess they'd be preaching to the choir
You are everything that feeds my wettest dreams
So I kneel here before you smiling up into your eyes
Flowing pools of crystal smoothness like a hundred summer skies
If it got me but a moment in your arms then I will try
I'm a girl enraptured by your very being 

Note: This page was archived and merged from

Metadata -- keep at end of page Summary: I sit here thinking softly, coaxing visions of your face


Categories: Poetry TSSupport

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