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Category.PersonalCare History

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* [[|Safe2Pee]] -- as a transgendered person, sometimes it's difficult to know where one can do the simple thing of just going to the bathroom. `Safe2Pee provides an online resource identifying places where it is safe for transgender or gender-noncomforming people to go.

Changed line 7 from:
* [[|Safe2Pee]] -- as a transgendered person, sometimes it's difficult to know where one can do the simple thing of just going to the bathroom. `Safe2Pee provides an online resource identifying places where it is safe for transgender or gender-noncomforming people to go.
* [[|Safe2Pee]] -- as a transgendered person, sometimes it's difficult to know where one can do the simple thing of just going to the bathroom. `Safe2Pee provides an online resource identifying places where it is safe for transgender or gender-noncomforming people to go.
Changed line 7 from:
* [[|Safe2Pee]] -- as a transgendered person, sometimes it's difficult to know where one can do the simple thing of just going to the bathroom. Safe2Pee provides an online resource identifying places where it is safe for transgender or gender-noncomforming people to go.
* [[|Safe2Pee]] -- as a transgendered person, sometimes it's difficult to know where one can do the simple thing of just going to the bathroom. `Safe2Pee provides an online resource identifying places where it is safe for transgender or gender-noncomforming people to go.
August 11, 2011, at 08:35 AM by imnotaboy - added link section
Added lines 5-9:

* [[|Safe2Pee]] -- as a transgendered person, sometimes it's difficult to know where one can do the simple thing of just going to the bathroom. Safe2Pee provides an online resource identifying places where it is safe for transgender or gender-noncomforming people to go.

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(:Summary:category page for pages about Personal Care:)
(:Summary:category page for pages about Personal Care, including makeup, hair removal, etc:)
May 18, 2010, at 05:25 AM by ImNotABoy - conditionally mark out [[!Category]]
Added line 2:
(:if false:)
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Added lines 1-2:
(:Summary:category page for pages about Personal Care:)
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Page last modified on April 03, 2016, at 02:27 AM