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Also see: Roles for volunteer baesd roles

Board Members


This role is a core role in charge of coordinating between the various roles to facilitate a cohesive origination. This role may set priorities for other roles in order to ensure that projects are able to be completed in a timely manner. To insure proper funding, this role is responsible for identifying grants and potential funding sources, as well as all fund raising activities. In addition this role is to oversee general tactics and reports on their effectiveness.

This role writes grant and funding applications that have been approved by the board and submits them as needed.


The purpose of this role is to facilitate seamless communication between departments, by acting as an interdepartmental liaison, providing any information, booking, and arrangement that would be required by the various departments.

The clerk's responsibilities range from, but are not limited to:

  • Taking and publishing meeting notes
  • Retrieving information wanted by various departments
  • Answer general inquiries
  • Rerouting calls to their respective department
  • Handle travel arrangements


This is a core role in charge of managing finances, book keeping, and accounts receivable/payable.

  • Compiling financial reports


Education and Outreach Manager

The Education and Outreach Manager is the core role in charge of activities around educating the public, reaching out to other organizations, promoting campaigns and ideals, and managing the public image. Education includes but is not limited to the education of the transsexual/transgender community and the general public in matters of issues that affect the community, current events, and personal health. Outreach is to be directed at other organizations to collaborate, or provide access to our ideals and methods to promote the mission. Outreach to the public shoud be to promote resources, recruit volunteers, and activities. Public image is defined as our social media presence, external media coverage, and relations with the general public. This role is in charge of promoting any current issues or campaigns focused on by other roles carried out by members. This role also oversees the website and social media analytics to help form outreach tactics.


TODO: This needs to have membership in it

This is a core role in charge of finding ways to apply the mission and ideals to the general public. This can take the form of a proposed legal action, civil action/protest, education campaign, or other any other method approved by the board of directors. This role must also publish material to promote its campaigns. These materials can take the form of blogs, social media posts, pamphlets, etc.

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Page last modified on April 18, 2016, at 08:27 PM