Agenda 10/06/2024
Welcome, everyone, to the last community meeting of 2024!
- The Discord server has seen a major update. Channels and roles have been shaken up to make way for the future. When new members join, they will now be required to first accept the rules and select pronouns. Doing so grants access to the majority of the server. If you'd like to help welcome our newbies, feel free to select the "volunteer" role in #channels-and-pronouns.
- Our first movie night on Jitsi was a success! Zora will be doing these semi-regularly, ping her with any requests.
- We have welcomed 13 new members to the Discord since our last meeting! 🏳️🌈 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🏳️🌈
- New logos and branding for TransAdvice. Our current logo has a long history, and it isn't very inclusive or representative of our community as it stands today. Sophiemoji, our resident pro artist has graciously offered to help us with this. She has some exciting designs to share with us. - PASSED
- Add a "transition advice" channel. Said channel would be specifically designated for peer support on the different aspects of the transition process itself. We are not doctors or lawyers. We are not qualified to give medical or legal advice. - PASSED
- Begin translation of the rules and main page. Current languages of focus are German, Arabic, and Spanish. - PASSED
- TA yearly Census. In order to measure the growth of the community, we propose to anonymously gather demographic information from our members. Some possible categories are pronouns, Country of Origin, age group. - PASSED
- For the technical committee - we propose a "Kanboard" issue tracking system for the services we provide. - PASSED
- Accept directed donations from the 501(c)(3) Hypatia Software Organization INC - PASSED
Metadata -- keep at end of page
Summary:Proposals: New channel, delete #regulars-lobby, bylaws
Tags: CommunityMeetings
Categories: Template