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  • Ok so I was at this big bar in Manitou Springs Colorado, USA. The bartender looked at my ID and said " oh dear, how do you girls loose so much weight ? " And Im sitting there in boy mode, the rest of the night guys kept on calling me girl and whatnot. (5/31/2004)
  • Another time they refused to believe I was me at a gun show, I was at the backround check booth and they swore I was not a boy (well Im not ) but I was presenting the ID of a male gun owner. After offering to show that in fact I was till Physically male (UGGGGGHHHHH). They backed off and let me in, seeing as I offered to show them proof (ugggh again). (In advice to any of the other gun owning girls in the USA, be ready for this kinda BS). (5/31/2004)

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 07:47 PM