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Summary: You know you pass when...
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''Submitted by Naomi (5/24/2004)''
* You know you pass when your ex gf recognizes you in a dyke bar and for a moment is sure that you're your sister. (and yes, she turned out to be a dyke and we're now best of friends)
* You know you pass when you're able to easily convince someone who knew you from before transition that that was just your 'butch period'. (it's true though, isn't it?)
* You know you pass when you show your old ID when using your credit card and get asked "that's your husband, right?" (i denied it, of course. struck a pose and said "don't you see the resemblance?")
* You know you pass when you go out with your hair undone and no makeup with a mustache (a GG's 'i haven't plucked in 6 weeks' mustache) and the asshole at the grocery store checkout won't stop calling you 'sweetheart' and 'cutie'. What a dick that guy was. (Added 6/6/2004)
* You know you pass when the gal who's hitting on you at a party has lots of trouble believing you're TS. She was constantly sure that i was playing a prank on her, hours into our conversation. (Added 6/28/2004)
* You know you pass when you unknowingly hit on someone in a bar who remembers you from before transition and she says "Did you go by another name back then? I didn't know you were a gal back then! Why didn't you hit on me then?" (Added 7/3/2004)
* You know you pass when you go to the pharmacy to get your very first dose of mones in boymode and get asked "Can I help you, miss?" (Added 9/2/2004)

''Submitted by Sonja (5/24/2004)''
* Yesterday I was shopping for clothes at Walmart. I went to the women's changing room, but the line up was suuuper long. I looked across and noticed that the men's change rooms had no line up, so I walked up to the lady who was working there and asked if I could try some clothes. She said it's for men only. I politely asked if I could be a man. She said no and shooed me away back to the women's line up.

''Submitted by Tracy (5/28/2004)''
* Your ex-wife tries to make you jealous by bringing her new boyfriend to a family party and then he makes a pass at you.

''Submitted by Mee (5/28/2004)''
* You know you pass when the archdiocese wants you to come in for a job interview.

''Submitted by Crystalline (5/28/2004)''
* You know you pass when, in boymode, the doctor asks you when your last cycle was.

''Submitted by MelanieW (5/29/2004)''
* You know you pass when you're sitting in a yahoo chat room with your webcam on, using your MALE screen name, profile and everything, and STILL get hit on by horny straight men.

''Submitted by Dianne (5/29/2004)''
* This little old lady comes up and we're talking and she offers me some woman-2-woman advice about men...all hush-like..says men have to be trained to live by women to be civilized.

''Submitted by Dillon (5/30/2004)''
* You know you have passed when you can go to a straight bar with your fiance and have no problems.
* You know you pass when you go to a gay club and a guy hits on you.

''Submitted by anonymous (6/10/2004)''
* You know you pass when you go to a cross-dressing party in a dress and people think you're a girl who didn't bother to dress up as a boy.
* You know you pass when you're in "boy mode", you have to pee, go to the men's room - and the guy at the sink, washing his hands, looks at you and goes "this is the MEN's toilet".

''Submitted by Phoebe (6/20/2004)''
* You know you pass when you come out as trans to a lesbian friend and she asks you why you want to become a man.
* You know you pass when you're dressed like a tramp in combats, para boots and a ripped jumper carrying what looks like the weeks shopping for whatever squat/commune it looks like you live in and have 3 days of stubble and someone still chases you down the train platform shouting "miss, miss, you dropped your train ticket."

''Submitted by Alexis (6/28/2004)''
* You know you pass when they preform a pregnancy test on you.

''Submitted by Angela (7/1/2004)''
* You know you pass when your dad thinks you're your sister.

''Submitted by Jen (7/1/2004)''
* You know your voice passes when your grandmother calls and mistakes you for your mother

''Submitted by Anonymous (7/10/2004)''
* You know you pass when your flatmate reminds you not to touch his teratogenic medication, just in case you get pregnant.

''Submitted by Ashy (7/15/2004)''
* You know your voice passes when your stepdad calls and confuses you for his wife.

''Submitted by Janie (9/2/2004)''
* You know you pass when a possible new tenant, who was told there is a tranny in the house, doesn't suspect it's YOU until he's told by the landlady

''Submitted by Leah (9/4/2004)''
* You know you pass when... your pharmacist says "Medicaid wouldn't accept this prescription... I tried changing the gender, but they still wouldn't accept"

''Submitted by Christine (12/10/2004)''
* You know you pass when... you've been on a bus for 2 days *Without Shaving* and the clerk at the redneck gas station convienence store somewhere in Arkansas still ma'ams you as you're buying a men's razor!

''Submitted by Janie (12/14/2004)''
* You know you pass when, out in boy mode with three days' worth of stubble on your face, someone in the grocery store parking lot selling perfume calls out "Hey Miss!" to get your attention.

''Submitted by Allison (12/14/2004)''
* You know you pass when walking across campus in boy mode, you're called a dyke.
* You know you pass when you show your ID after getting carded and the clerk says "This is not you. This is a boy!"
* You know you pass when you get asked if you and your girlfriend are sisters.
* You know you pass when you answer your girlfriend's phone and the person on the other end thinks you're her.

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